How to increase the success rate of IUI?

Dreaming of a baby? IUI might be your answer. How can you improve your IUI success rate in India?
Timing is everything. Know your cycle like the back of your hand. Ovulation prediction kits are your new BFFs. Make sure to synchronize your IUI with your most fertile days to maximize its impact.

Optimize your health: A healthy body equals a healthy you. Nourish yourself with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Stress management is key too!

Quality matters: For women, regular check-ups and addressing underlying issues can improve egg quality. For men, lifestyle changes and potential sperm analysis can help.

Medication magic: Fertility drugs can stimulate ovulation, increasing your chances of conception. Your doctor will guide you on the best options.

Relax and unwind. Stress can be a fertility foe. Incorporate relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing into your routine.

Remember, every journey is unique. Consult with a fertility specialist for personalized advice. With hope, patience, and these tips, you're one step closer to your dream!


What is the success rate of IUI? - Crysta IVF

Explore our blog for success rate of IUI, offering hope for couples seeking fertility solutions. Your dream of parenthood is within reach