How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App

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The cost of developing an app can vary significantly based on factors such as complexity, features, and platform. Simple apps may start at a few thousand dollars, while more complex ones with advanced functionalities can range into the six-figure range.

The cost of creating a mobile app can be as low as $ 1000 or as big as $ 100 K, so the general answer to the question “How much does it cost to develop an app” is “It Depends”. For the uninitiated, An App MVP is generally developed in between $ 5000 to $ 15000 and within 8 to 12 weeks. If it takes more than this time and cost then we don’t call it an MVP, because it is more of a full-fledged product with all bells and whistles.

Almost all successful Apps need continuous development, feature enhancements, and localization etc and such projects should be done on a monthly fee model rather than fixed price. The monthly fee for continuous development can start from as low as $ 2900 per month and can go upward if you use more than 1 App developer in the team. You can find out cost of App Developers on Monthly basis using this App Development Team rates calculator.

Hidden Mobile App Development Costs That You Must Know?

1) Cost to publish Apps to their respective Stores

Apple charges $ 99 yearly for their App publisher program enrollment so that you can publish and sell things via your App. Google charges one time $ 25 for the same process for their Google Play store.

2) Server and Infrastructure Cost

Server cost for a new app can be as low as free for an year or may be $ 10 to 30 when you have some good thousands of the users. The cost of server and infrastructure increases when you have large number of active users (say 50 K or more) who are exchanging data regularly on the app. The cost of server actually depends more upon the “interactions users have with the app frequently” than just the number of users on the app. You can always use a cloud hosting service that you can upgrade when the number of users and their usage increase. Nothing much to worry about unless your app is successful.

3) App Marketing Cost

Not a very hidden cost, however we’ve seen many first time entrepreneurs don’t factor it in the way it demands. There are only a few Apps in the world that may have gotten famous without marketing, otherwise you have to spend on marketing and App promotion in order to gain more users. The marketing efforts can be free or paid channels but they do involve human resource and cost nevertheless. As a rule of thumb, you need to spend $ 1 to $ 3 to acquire a new App user who installs and uses the app. So if we need 10,000 users then marketing cost can be $ 10,000 $ 30,000. Depending upon how users take your App, the marketing cost in the long run can be lesser per user or more.

Fixed Price vs Continuous App Development Cost :-

Fixed Price App Development Cost

Depending upon the success of the App and the nature of its business, you may either end up creating an App one time and maintain it only when needed and in such a case a one time cost would sufficient For example, you create a simple Loan Calculator App that has no big complexity or updates, and such a simple app can be created one time in let’s say $ 5000 and no further cost would be needed except some yearly maintenance that will cost you almost negligible.

Continuous App Development Cost

Now take an example of a Social Media App like Tiktok or any other App where there are more than one core features and when they compete in a highly competitive space. In such cases, you need to add new features, enhancements, updates on your App on regular basis and also the demand of maintenance would be higher because of large number of users, features, inter-operability of features, algorithms, server demands and what not. So you can’t predict a fixed price cost for these kind of apps (which means “most of the consumer apps”), and that is why a “Continuous development model” fits best here. You hire a team of developers to continuously work on your app. You add more number of developers, Tech leads, testers, designers depending upon your business need.

Different App Development Pricing Models 

1) Fixed Price App Development Model :- 

It is a model in which the client explains their precise requirements, and based on that, the total project cost would be given along with a clear deadline. This model is great for small projects that have pretty much fixed scope of work, and have less chances of scope change during the development. Pretty good model for the MVP development.

2) Offshore Dedicated Development Team:- 

When you have more than one projects, or when the sub projects of one projects are the size of an individual project on its own (like 5 people + per sub project) then it is better to have your own offshore development team working dedicatedly for you. This model is perfect for large Tech clients, Ecommerce clients, industrial clients. You can check monthly rates of Offshore Developers for different skills and experience level here.

In Agicent, A solid team of 115 App developers with a 13 + years of experience and have created successful Apps from the scratch like HASfit, Wellcure, Aiko & Egor – Agicent is an App Development Company of choice for all the startups who are looking for more than the development services.

Agicent has helped startups in not only creating the MVP versions of their App but also their full-fledged product versions that are being used by millions of users. We help our startups with not just technology but also with marketing, promotions and also invest in the ideas we love or help you raise funding for them. No wonder why we’ve customers and Apps that are working with us for more than 10 years, with continuous success with their Apps and overall digital offerings.

Working with Agicent is simple and transparent, you ask us for a fixed price quote and we’ll work with you in identifying the scope of the work and then estimate that for you. You ask us for a continuous development team and you are provided with the finest developers, project managers, testers, designer as a whole package to get you going.

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