What hair transplant procedures are available in Dubai?

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There are numerous hair transplant methods available for hair transplant in Dubai. You can select from follicular unit transplantation (FUT), follicular unit extraction (FUE), direct hair implantation (DHI), and even the ARTAS robotic hair transplant.

What hair transplant procedures are available in Dubai?

There are numerous hair transplant methods available for hair transplant in Dubai. You can select from follicular unit transplantation (FUT), follicular unit extraction (FUE), direct hair implantation (DHI), and even the ARTAS robotic hair transplant.

FUE hair transplants in Dubai

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant process. We extract individual hair follicles from the scalp and transplant them to regions of hair loss or thinning.

When compared to other hair transplant processes, a FUE hair transplant is a less invasive and more exact procedure with less scarring and a faster recovery period compared to other hair transplant processes.

FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair transplant surgery.
It entails taking a strip of scalp from the donor area and separating it into individual hair follicles for transplantation into areas with hair loss or thinning.
FUT is a more intrusive treatment than FUE since it results in a linear scar on the scalp.

Hair Transplant Technique (DHI)

How does DHI hair transplantation work? 

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a hair transplant process that involves extracting and implanting individual hair follicles in one step using specialized equipment known as a Choi Implanter.

This reduces the time between extraction and implantation, increasing the survival probability of transplanted follicles.

DHI is a less intrusive process with a quicker recovery period and a more natural-looking outcome than other hair transplant methods.

Hair Transplant (ARTAS)

ARTAS is a hair transplant technology that utilizes a robotic system to extract individual hair follicles from the scalp.

The device employs complex algorithms and imaging technology to detect and pick the best donor hairs for extraction.

ARTAS is a less invasive and more precise process that leaves less scarring and recovers faster than traditional hair transplant treatments.

What is the best hair transplant technique for you?

Many professional hair transplantation surgeons work in Dubai, and they all provide a variety of techniques to patients.

Most clinics provide FUT and FUE treatments. While DHI and ARTAS are highly effective, they are only available in select clinics.

It's no surprise that the FUE procedure is the most popular, with more than 75% of patients selecting it.

FUT, FUE, and combined methods

Why? FUE is:

The least invasive procedure
Has a faster recovery process
The procedure leaves almost unnoticeable scars on the donor area.
During your appointment, your doctor will analyze your scalp and prescribe the most appropriate procedure for you.

Is getting a hair transplant in Dubai worth it?

Dubai Hair transplant surgery, both in Dubai and around the world, has become one of the most advanced methods of achieving thicker hair. Every year, surgeries improve in terms of results and recuperation time.
It's no surprise that more than 90% of patients reported a positive outcome following their treatment. 

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