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An anesthesiologist monitors this procedure to make sure you're pain-free and comfortable. Throughout the procedure, picture them as your guardian angel.

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Interesting facts about Anesthesia

The surgical and operational fields of medicine are experiencing unmatched progress today. Even though many of these surgeries save lives, they wouldn't have been possible without sedation.

Top rewards of choosing CRNA as your career

A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) license can be obtained by graduates taking the national certification exam after completing their studies.

Disproving the myths about Anesthesia

Anesthesia is always covered with misconceptions and myths. It doesn’t have long-term side effects. Anesthesia in older days might be scary, but modern anesthesia is safer and more effective with fewer side effects.

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Innovative Award Ideas for Corporate Recognition Programs | #award

Innovative Award Ideas for Corporate Recognition Programs

Innovative Award Ideas for Corporate Recognition Programs

Implementing innovative award ideas in your corporate recognition programs can significantly enhance employee engagement and motivation.

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