What are some common mistakes players make in Tunnel Rush?

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By being aware of these common mistakes, players can focus on improving their gameplay in Tunnel Rush by avoiding these pitfalls and developing better strategies for navigating the tunnel successfully.

Common mistakes that players often make in Tunnel Rush include:

1.      Overreacting: Players may overreact to obstacles, leading to erratic movements that can result in crashes. Maintaining composure and making controlled movements is essential.

2.      Lack of Focus: Losing focus, getting distracted, or not paying attention to the game can lead to unnecessary crashes.

3.      Poor Timing: Failing to time movements correctly can cause collisions with obstacles. Players need to anticipate when to move to avoid hitting walls.

4.      Ignoring Patterns: Not recognizing and adapting to patterns in the game can lead to repeated crashes in the same spots.

5.      Impatience: Rushing through the game without considering the upcoming obstacles can result in hasty decisions and crashes.

6.      Not Using Peripheral Vision: Focusing only on the immediate path and neglecting to use peripheral vision to anticipate upcoming obstacles can lead to last-minute reactions and mistakes.

7.      Overlooking Speed Changes: Tunnel Rush often speeds up and slows down. Ignoring these speed changes can make it difficult to adjust movements accordingly.

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