How Long After Fue Does Hair Grow?

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If one wants to learn more about FUE Hair Transplant in Gurgaon, one can get in touch with hair transplant surgeon Dr. Shilpi Bhadabi at SB Trichology.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a cosmetic procedure designed to grow natural hair through the extraction of hair follicles from donor sites. It is a non-invasive method that gives optimum results. In this procedure, hair follicles are extracted from the back side of the head, known as the donor site, using a sharp tool and then implanted in the area known as the recipient site, usually a bald or thin area. If one wants to learn more about FUE Hair Transplant in Gurgaon, one can get in touch with hair transplant surgeon Dr. Shilpi Bhadabi at SB Trichology. She has shared the timeline after the FUE hair transplant and how the hair grows after this procedure. 

Immediate Post-Procedure Period (0–2 Weeks)

The immediate post-operative phase of FUE is the phase where scabs are formed around the treated area during the healing process, and they can be shed within 7–10 days. It causes redness and swelling for the first weeks in the treated area. After treatment, the hair starts to fall, known as shock loss. It is a normal process that can last for the first two weeks. The hair growth is minimal in this phase. 

The Shedding Phase (2–8 Weeks)

The next phase is the shedding phase, which lasts from 2 to 8 weeks. The hair follicles grow and are anchored to the scalp. It is the phase transition of hair follicles from the resting phase to the growth phase. This phase takes longer to grow hair follicles, and the scalp looks similar to how it looked pre-treatment.

The Early Growth Phase (3–4 Months)

The hair growth takes 3 to 4 months after FUE treatment. This phase is the actual growth of new hair. In the beginning, the hair growth is fine and thin, but it will thicken with time. It is a visible hair growth phase where the growth of the hair is non-uniform or patchy. It is advised to have patients for a high volume of hair growth during this phase and regular follow-up with skilled dermatologists for effective results. 

The Maturing Phase (6–12 Months)

The maturing phase begins 6  to 12 months after the FUE procedure. In this phase, hair grows continuously and thickens. This phase is known for having a high density of hair and covering the scalp area. This treatment provides an aesthetic and natural appearance as it blends with the original hair. In this phase, hair improves its texture and growth pattern. 

The Final Results (12–18 Months)

The hair is fully grown in 12–18 months. The hair thickens and reaches full length. The hair looks more natural, which improves the irregularities in the hair. 

At SB Trichology,  the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Gurgaon has helped many people to manage their baldness issues with hair transplant surgery.  Learn more about this amazing technology with her today!
