How to Choose the Best Double Chin Treatment for Your Needs

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A double chin can occur due to genetics, fat deposits, age, or skin quality. Treatments like Kybella, chin filler, facelifts, and weight loss can help reduce its appearance, offering non-surgical and surgical options.

A double chin is a common complaint among men and women. Usually, the appearance of a double chin is caused by fat deposits that naturally accumulate over time. Some people may be more genetically predisposed to carrying fat under the chin. Additionally, many factors can contribute including weight changes, injuries, bone structure, age, and skin quality.


Unlike popular belief, a double chin does not only affect people who are overweight. It can develop on a fit and thin person too. Luckily, there are potential treatments that can help reduce the prominence of a double chin. The right treatment depends on the primary cause of a double chin. Below are some of the most popular double chin treatments and when they may be appropriate.


Deoxycholic Acid


Commonly branded as Kybella, deoxycholic acid is a stomach acid that helps break down fat cells. When injected locally into a small area of extra fat, it can help reduce the fat present in the area. Most patients will require at least two to three sessions of Kybella injections to see their ideal results. This option is best for younger patients who have good skin quality or those whose double chin does not involve skin laxity. Deoxycholic acid can also accompany other procedures for the best possible results.


Chin/Jaw Filler


Depending on the patient’s bone structure, filler can help enhance their natural features and disguise the natural fat under the chin. Sometimes when a person has a recessed chin—even if not overly noticeable—the fat on the chin can appear extra prominent even though it is likely not an excess amount. Adding filler into the chin and/or jawline can help balance the facial structure so that the chin area appears more proportionate.




A double chin can be exaggerated or even fully caused by excess skin. This is often referred to as a “turkey waddle” and can be addressed during facelift surgery. In some cases, other procedures such as Kybella or fillers may be used to further enhance the results. In general, patients tend to see a reduction in a double chin following facelift surgery.


Weight Loss


Unfortunately, in some cases, the best treatment is weight loss. Depending on various factors, patients may also benefit from additional cosmetic procedures to address their double chin. Semaglutide can help patients lose weight relatively quickly and effectively. Patients often see changes in the look of their face with significant weight loss, including a reduction in double chin. This is generally recommended in cases where a patient already plans to lose weight or in cases where treating the double chin would aesthetically hinder the appearance of the face.




Having a double chin is perfectly normal and can be a sign of youth. However, if a patient is unhappy with the look of a double chin, there are many possible treatment options—most of which are non-surgical in nature. A trained professional can help a patient determine the right treatment for their double chin and goals.

