Liposuction: Types, Benefits and Risk

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The blog will include different types of liposuction, its benefits, and the risks involved in this surgery. Thus making you well-prepared to undergo the surgery. 

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure performed for targeting and removing stubborn fat. The method is surgically performed to remove fatty tissues which cannot be eradicated through exercise or diet. A cosmetic surgeon performs the surgery with years of rich experience and skills. People seeking this surgery prefer Hyderabad as their top choice, as the city is home to some top plastic surgeons. One such surgeon on the list is Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a renowned cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad. If you are considering this surgery, this blog is for you. The blog will include different types of liposuction, its benefits, and the risks involved in this surgery. Thus making you well-prepared to undergo the surgery. 

How is Liposuction performed?

Liposuction is performed using a cannula inside the skin of the targeted area. Once the cannula is inserted through a minimal incision, it breaks down the stubborn fat to extract it. In some cases, when the bulk of fat is removed, it could result in saggy or loose skin. In such cases, the loose skin is trimmed, pulled, and tightened, giving you a contoured and toned body. 

Types of Liposuction 

Liposuction surgery can be performed with various methods. The most frequently used methods to perform surgery are mentioned below:

  • Power-assisted Liposuction: It is a type of liposuction in which the targeted fat is broken down using power-driven vibration. Once the fat is broken down, it is liquified and extracted from the body.  
  • Smart Liposuction: Smart liposuction involves an optical fiber driven by laser energy. This energy is then introduced through the cannula; it breaks stubborn fat without damaging the surrounding tissues. Moreover, in this type of liposuction, skin tightening and reduction of loose skin are advantages. 
  • Traditional Liposuction: It is also known as manual liposuction. This liposuction method uses a high-power vacuum to break and extract the targeted fat. 
  • VASER Liposuction: The expanded form of VASER is the vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. As the name suggests, the method uses ultrasound to break down fat. This method is specially used for extracting unwanted stubborn fibrous fat. 

What are the benefits of opting for Liposuction surgery?

Liposuction offers the ultimate solution to people seeking an effective way to reduce stubborn fat. The surgery unlocks unlimited beneficial possibilities. Some of these benefits are mentioned below: 

  • Toned and contoured body 
  • Flatter abdomen 
  • Alleviated back pain
  • Aesthetically appealing 
  • Minimal scarring 
  • Desired body shape 
  • Effective solution for gynecomastia
  • Long-lasting or permanent results 
  • Boost confidence and self-esteem 
  • Minimal downtime
  • Improves overall health
  • Work on multiple target areas
  • Motivates for improving healthy lifestyle 

Which areas can be targeted during Liposuction?

The areas that can be targeted during liposuction are mentioned below:

  • Hips 
  • Arms 
  • Thigh or inner thigh 
  • Back, lower back, or upper back 
  • Chest 
  • Chin 
  • Breast 
  • Waist
  • Calves 
  • Love handles 
  • Bra line
  • Face or lower face
  • Saddlebags 
  • Tummy or midsection 

What are the risks associated with Liposuction?

Risks and side effects are always tagged along with major or minor surgeries. Therefore, knowing the risks or side effects is equally important. Some of the associated risks with liposuction are mentioned below:

  • Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect of liposuction but much less of a risk. You might observe swelling near the treated area, which subsides within a few weeks.  
  • Bruising: Another common side effect of any cosmetic surgery is mild bruising caused by inserting a cannula. Bruising usually fades away within a few days to weeks. However, some medication might be prescribed to help with the bruising. 
  • Minimal Scarring: You might have a few scars after liposuction surgery. This is usually caused by incisions that were made to insert the cannula. However, scars fade away over time. Still, if the scars trouble you, your doctor might prescribe you gels or ointments to help fade the scars. 
  • Numbness: Numbness is another side effect caused by the administration of local anaesthesia. The numbness goes away within a few hours after the sedative wears off. 
  • Potential Risk of Infection: During the surgery, our body’s immune system gets compromised, increasing the risk of infection. Therefore, having any surgery or, let’s say, liposuction increases the potential risk of infection. However, your surgeon will order certain antibiotics to reduce the aforementioned risk. Therefore, the risk subsides with proper medication. 
  • Bleeding: During the surgery, you might experience bleeding caused by incisions made during the surgery. The bleeding stops as soon as your wounds are closed. So the surgery becomes safe. 
  • Unsatisfactory Outcome or Results: Getting treatment or surgery from a non-skilled medical specialist could jeopardize your chances of getting satisfactory or desired results. The surgery requires precision; therefore, consulting with an experienced cosmetic surgeon is highly recommended. 
  • Delayed Wound Healing or Delayed Recovery: Individuals seeking this surgery are strongly advised to quit drinking and smoking. This is because smoking and drinking result in delayed wound healing followed by slowed recovery. 

Consult with the leading Plastic Surgeon in India for Liposuction Surgery in Hyderabad!

If you are seeking professional advice or consultation for liposuction surgery in Hyderabad. You may consult Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan and be in good hands. She holds 19 years of rich and extensive experience catering to the highest number of successful surgeries. She has performed more than 2000 cosmetic surgeries with the desired outcome. The surgeon thrives on improving patient’s lives in every way possible. The doctor offers traditional or manual liposuction, power-assisted liposuction (PAL), Smart Lipo, and VASER Liposuction. Request a session with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan today to get the desired results!
