Rhinoplasty: Types, Benefits, and Risks

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Thus, an expert surgeon might answer all your questions if you seek a skilled and trained professional. Moreover, this blog will cover rhinoplasty surgery's types, benefits, and risks.

Your nose is a complementing facial feature that gives you a sharper and contoured look. However, not everyone is blessed with such a sharp and toned feature. In this era, people looking to correct their nasal flaws opt for rhinoplasty surgery. The surgery involves a surgical approach to correct the shape and size of your nose. The surgery requires an incision to expose the bone and cartilage, then sculpting your nose. This incision can be made inside the nasal cavity, outside the nose, or at the tip of the nose based on the type of rhinoplasty. Since the surgery has a cosmetic approach, the surgery needs to be performed by a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon only. Hyderabad is home to the best cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan. She is a renowned and well-reputed cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad, known for performing nose surgery with the highest precision and providing natural-looking results. Thus, an expert surgeon might answer all your questions if you seek a skilled and trained professional. Moreover, this blog will cover rhinoplasty surgery's types, benefits, and risks. 

What are the different types of Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be performed in multiple ways based on what must be addressed. For example, if only the tip of the nose is concerned, you are recommended to opt for nasal tip rhinoplasty. Similarly, some different types of rhinoplasty are further undermentioned:

  • Liquid rhinoplasty 
  • Open rhinoplasty 
  • Close rhinoplasty 
  • Nasal tip rhinoplasty 
  • Secondary or revision rhinoplasty 

What are the benefits of Rhinoplasty?

The surgery caters to many benefits of the aesthetic approach. However, the surgery can also be performed for medical reasons, such as correcting and improving the functionality of your nose. Some of the prominent benefits of opting for rhinoplasty are further mentioned below:

  • Readjust the shape and size of your nose 
  • Helps you achieve nasal symmetry
  • Fixes dorsal hump or flat nose 
  • Fixes crooked nose 
  • Correct deviated septum 
  • Address nasal tip concerns like upturned, drooping, bulbous, or boxy nasal tips.
  • Corrects broad lower nose
  • Fixes breathing issues by addressing sinus. 
  • Reduces nasal width at its bridge, improving airflow.

What are the potential side effects and risks of Rhinoplasty?

The potential side effects and risks of rhinoplasty are further mentioned below:

  • Mild swelling 
  • Mild bruising 
  • Infection 
  • Mild scarring 
  • Undesired result if performed unprofessionally 
  • Symmetries due to residual skin swelling, if performed by an unskilled professional
  • Nose bleeds 
  • Poor or delayed wound healing, potentially due to poor aftercare

Consult with the leading plastic surgeon in India for Rhinoplasty Surgery in Hyderabad!

Those looking for a skilled plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty may consult Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan. She is the leading plastic surgeon and is best known for offering rhinoplasty surgery in Hyderabad. The surgeon holds more than 19 years of rich and extensive experience in the field of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. She is a highly trained professional with both national and international experience. 

If you are looking for an effective and safe solution for nose concerns, rhinoplasty is best. However, it is highly recommended to consult with an expert to avoid any undesirable results. People who have opted for this surgery have vouched for Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan as their most trusted and preferred choice. The surgeon offers close rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty, liquid rhinoplasty, secondary or revision rhinoplasty, and nasal tip rhinoplasty. For more information, request an appointment with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan!
