A Comprehensive Guide to Pre and Post-Transplant Cautions

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To learn more about the tips and tricks on pre- and post-hair transplant precautions, continue reading!

Hair fall is one of the most frequent problems now. There can be countless reasons behind hair fall, including genetic problems, pollution, diet issues, unhealthy lifestyles, stress, and such conditions as alopecia. Fortunately, many of these states have some kind of treatment. The most popular of these treatments are hair transplants. Experts from the best hair transplant clinic in Gurgaon, like SB Trichology, suggest that hair transplant is one of the most common surgeries that help restore hair, self-image, and confidence. Hair transplant results have improved significantly with the advancement of technology. To learn more about the tips and tricks on pre- and post-hair transplant precautions, continue reading!

Let’s learn what hair transplant is. 

What is Hair Transplant?

The hair transplant procedure allows the surgeon to transplant healthy hair follicles from the donor area to thinning hair regions. Because of enormous advances, it is now possible to get natural-looking hair. Most surgeons now transplant healthy hair a few strands at a time. Due to the improvements in hair transplant techniques, results are so natural that no one can identify the difference.

Ideal hair transplant is an interaction of multifarious factors that include:

  • The condition in which the donor site happens to be balding, method choice, knowledge acquired through the technical procedure followed by the period required, and the expense to the follicle unit along with a host of others. 
  • Planning a precise schedule is key to having a great result. Right after consulting the hair surgeon in advance, one gets to set his or her procedure's timetable.

Pre-Transplant Preparation:

Every treatment is initiated with a surgeon’s consultation with complete medical history details to confirm that the patient is a good candidate for the surgery. After that is defined, several conditions must be followed for the plan to be carried out successfully.

  • Based on the medical history, some medications must be discontinued before the surgery to avoid problems.
  • The patient should, therefore, inform the surgeon about the allergies and continuing medications, which would help the surgeon understand the physiology in a better way and allow him to customize the treatment.
  • Minimizing excessive bleeding for anyone on the prescription that changes the qualities affecting blood coagulation in any way, including patients on blood thinners, to stop at least 10-14 days from the date of surgery for those on Vitamin E or supplements containing Omega 3 fatty acids, and ayurvedic supplements.
  • All steroid drugs should be stopped, along with all cigarette and alcohol intake before surgery.
  • Since the treatment will be conducted using local anaesthesia, a surgeon usually advises the preparation before the surgery. For instance, one has to take several medicines that usually are prescribed before surgery. 
  • Usually, one should sleep the night before surgery in a relaxing sleep and start the day of surgery with a light meal. 
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages and exercises, as they may influence essential body functions.

Post Transplant Care:

  • After the transplant procedure, the day after the procedure is labeled Day Zero and all medicine taking, hair care instructions and any safety instructions are provided to the patient by the surgeon.
  • It is a good practice for the surgeon to administer antibiotics immediately following hair transplant to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • Medication painkillers also alleviate discomfort the patient may feel following the transplant; they also aid in reducing swelling due to anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Specific care advice for recipient and donor sites is given to avoid dehydration or drying out of the transplanted hair follicles.
  • Medications should be accompanied by precautionary measures, such as avoiding strenuous exercise, within the first few days post-transplant.
  • It is always best to protect the area from environmental irritants within the early days after the transplant.
  • At this stage, swelling spreads to the forehead and brows. This fades away with time.
  • It is recommended that the patient should not drink because it reduces the blood flow to the scalp. This decreases the probability of transplant acceptance and heightens the chances of scar formation and infection.
  • The donor dressing can be removed on the second postoperative day in cases of FUE, while it is maintained for a considerable period in cases of FUT.
  • The surgeon normally supervises and conducts the first hair wash.
  • There should be a good number of scabs above the grafted area, which, under proper care and handling, should fall within the first 10 to 14 days, giving way to a stubble-like look.
  • FUT: All sutures are removed after ten postoperative days.
  • Besides proper care for implanted follicles, proper nourishment is also needed for the best outcome. It often requires supplements in the form of topical application drugs and multivitamins to promote healthy development. 
  • P-R-P, or platelet-rich plasma treatment, is a potential supplementary treatment often recommended as a growth booster for both transplanted and native hair to increase the quality significantly.

Consult at the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Gurgaon for Hair Transplant!

The most significant difference of hair transplants is that they positively impact someone's life when dealing with hair loss and baldness. Hair transplant surgery benefits are further enhanced, with maximum results obtained by consulting a highly qualified and seasoned surgeon. So, you are responsible for keeping sharp lines of communication open with your surgeon and consulting a skilled hair surgeon. You can consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, who is reported to provide the best hair transplant in Gurgaon and can now be reached at her cutting-edge hair transplant clinic at SB Trichology Clinic. The advanced techniques provided will further improve the outcomes of hair transplant and provide the individual with a base to grow an entirely new head full of natural and great-looking hair results that will enhance the patient’s quality of life and level of self-confidence. Visit Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Trichology today!
