How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal Appointment

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If you are living in Bangalore, you can definitely try Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, which can be your best choice. The expert skin doctor, Dr. Rasya Dixit, founder of this clinic, will provide you with the most beneficial treatment with the best results.

Tired of shaving every week? Such an annoying activity nobody wants to spend time on. Laser hair removal looks so pleasing right now, right? If you ignore the myths, you will actually see how amazing and effective these treatments are. Many clinics offer good services for Laser Hair Removal in Bangalore where you can get expert results from trained staff and dermatologists. Imagine never having to worry about razor burns, ingrown hairs, or the constant before and after-shave care. Laser hair removal is nothing short of a dream for some. If you are living in Bangalore, you can definitely try Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, which can be your best choice. The expert skin doctor, Dr. Rasya Dixit, founder of this clinic, will provide you with the most beneficial treatment with the best results.

Here are some dos and don't that you must consider before going for laser hair removal treatment:

  • Keep Your Skin Clean:

It is quite essential that you keep your skin clean and fresh before going to the clinic. Any dirt, impurities, or even lotion can irritate and hinder the laser hair removal process. 

  • Avoid Sun Exposure:

Sun is a big no before and after the laser hair removal process. Sun tan can cause irritation and extensive laser burn, as the laser needs a proper contrast between the hair and the skin. So, keep the afternoon activity to a minimum. 

  • No Waxing:

As much as you want pristine and hairless skin, you must stop waxing before getting laser hair removal. As the wax removes the hair from its root, and when there is no hair, the laser won't be able to target the hair follicle to remove it. 

  • Take Prescribed Medication with Precaution:

As you should know, some medicines can affect your skin, both directly and indirectly. So, it is suggested that you take your medication with precaution and make sure to inform your doctor about it. 

  • Careful with Skin Products:

You should know that not all skin products are good for you. You need to consult with your doctor before going for laser hair removal. You have to confirm which skin care product you should be using and which should be stopped immediately.

  • Limit Alcohol Consumption

Your alcohol consumption can impact your laser treatment. Therefore, you need to limit your alcohol intake. The alcohol can dehydrate your skin, which will make the whole laser procedure more painful. So, stop the alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to getting your treatment. 

Is it okay to shave before my laser hair removal?

Yes, it is totally safe to shave before getting your laser hair removal treatment. However, you need to make sure that you have your shaving session at least 24-48 hours before the treatment. A good time gap will make the process smoother and more effective.

Consult the Best Skin Specialist in Bangalore for Laser Hair Removal

Now that you know what to do and don't do before the hair removal process, you need to look for a good clinic. If you live in Bangalore or nearby, you can go to Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. It is an advanced skin and laser skin clinic headed by the best Skin Specialist In Bangalore. Dr. Rasya Dixit will make the whole laser hair removal experience a breeze. So, get your appointment today at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic to find out more.
