And also after a big win over the Dallas Cowboys, nobody is anticipating much from them in their match with the 49ers. Jess and I discuss the 49ers and why they are so great, are there any type of competitions that the Cardinals can manipulate and what wagers to make in the is an outstanding look and preview of the 49ers the program with the embedded gamer above or by subscribing to the program on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your preferred podcast platform, so you never ever miss a show. Make certain as well to give it a luxury rating!Topics and times: 1:00) What the 49ers offer as challengers 22:59) Matches to watch Cardinals Store, tricks to success for Arizona 41:01) Picks, predictions and prop bets to capitalize In This Stream Arizona Cardinals vs San Francisco 49ers: Every little thing you require to understand for Week 4 Cardinals-49ers week 4 preview, matchup testimonial and chooses Cardinals vs. 49ers: Just how to view, begin time, television network, on the internet stream, chances and more Sight all 15 stories
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