7 Steps to Get Admission into Indian School of Business

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Remember, preparing well for your ISB admission is the key to your ISB MBA dream. Getting into ISB requires planning and effective preparation. By following these steps you may land into your dream MBA school.

The Indian School of Business (ISB) is renowned for its exceptional education quality, cutting-edge curriculum, and a global network of professionals that make it one of the premier business schools in India. For those who are aiming for an MBA from one of the most reputed institutes, trust me nothing can beat ISB.

ISB MBA helps you gain a competitive edge. This institution offers world-class learning experiences designed to uplift your career graph even higher. However as far as ISB admissions is concerned, it is a rigorous and challenging process. ISB ensures that only the most talented candidates are selected, maintaining the high standards that the school is known for.

In this article we will be discussing what are the 7 steps you can take to get admission into ISB.

Steps to get admission into Indian School of Business

These are a few steps that will summarize the entire ISB admission process.

Step 1: Understanding the Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements for each and every program for ISB MBA is different, thus it is important to have a clear understanding of the eligibility requirements of each ISB MBA program. Below mentioned are the eligibility requirements for ISB PGP & ISB PGP YL programs:

ISB MBA Eligibility — PGP Program

ISB PGP program is for professionals with minimum 2 years of experience and the time duration of this MBA program is 12 months. The eligibility requirements for the ISB PGP program is:

  • Bachelor’s or equivalent degree
  • Valid GMAT/ GRE score
  • Minimum 24 months of full-time work experience
  • TOEFL/IELTS is required if your medium of instruction was not English

ISB MBA Eligibility — PGP YL Program

For ISB PGP YL is a 20-month, full-time, residential management program and it is equivalent to an MBA and caters to high-potential fresh graduates and professionals with up to two years of experience. The eligibility criteria is as follows:

  • A bachelor’s degree in any discipline
  • Valid GMATGRE (test centre-based), or CAT scores
  • 0–24 months of work experience by June 15 of the year you intend to join
  • TOEFL/IELTS is required if your medium of instruction was not English

Step 2: Know the Reason why you want to pursue MBA from ISB

For this step, it is important to know the points to consider such as

  • Career goals
  • Skill enhancement
  • Network & connections
  • Industry exposure
  • Personal development
  • Return on investment

Step 3: Research about ISB Post Graduate Programme

Thoroughly research ISB to understand the program, its admission process and requirements. Reading and knowing about the faculty is also important as it gives you the confidence of being taught by the best of people. All this will eventually help you align with the ISB applications. As far as the class profile is concerned it gives you an idea as to what are the specific expectations of the ISB admission committee from every student.

Step 4: Prepare well for GMAT/GRE

Meeting all expectations, however failing in a great GMAT or GRE score won’t solve the purpose of doing MBA from ISB. ISB MBA can only be possible if you meet the standardised test requirements. Here, the goal of every student should be to try and achieve GMAT/GRE scores higher than the average score. For effective GMAT preparation, Jamboree can offer all the guidance and support needed. Scoring high in GMAT/GRE is important for ISB admission for several reasons:

  • It shows your academic ability as ISB is one of the most reputed institutions for MBA.
  • A high score even demonstrates your aptitude and your adaptability to the rigorous courses at the ISB.
  • How can we forget scholarships here? Of course a high score can help you grab a decent financial aid in the form of scholarships that can significantly reduce your cost of studying at the ISB.

Step 5: Letters of Recommendation

ISB admission is incomplete without good letters of recommendation. You should get this done from the people who know your ability and can vouch for your achievements and your personal and professional qualities. It is quite a crucial element for ISB MBA.

  • Letter of recommendation should talk about your fitment into an institution like ISB. It must highlight your strengths, your learning abilities and of course your aspirations.
  • LORs are often a differentiating and a deciding factor as it highlights your qualities through individuals who either know you or have worked with you. They are the ones who provide unique insights about your character, growth potential and strengths etc.

Step 6: Compelling Essays for ISB Admissions

Every student has a different personality, goals and also varied reasons for doing MBA from ISB. An essay should talk about all this. It is not a one night process, as creating a compelling essay can take time. It requires brainstorming and multiple drafts and guidance from your mentors. Jamboree helps you to prepare the best essays and they work with you on this until you are fully satisfied.

Step 7: ISB Interview

Last but not least, preparing for an ISB interview is quite an important task. Once your application is shortlisted, you will be called for an interview. Research and practice commonly asked questions in ISB and prepare your responses accordingly. On the interview day, dress professionally. Some interview tips are mentioned below:

  • Practice through mock interviews along with your mentors. Record the sessions of any tips which your mentor gives you and work on that efficiently.
  • Prepare your answers well for some commonly asked questions. These include your qualification, background, challenges faced and your career goals etc.
  • You should have a clear understanding of what you have written in your application. Before your interview, it is important to revisit your ISB application, resume and essay. You may be asked to elaborate on the details mentioned there.
  • Research well about ISB as you should have a clear idea about the curriculum, faculty and events etc.

Remember, preparing well for your ISB admission is the key to your ISB MBA dream. Getting into ISB requires planning and effective preparation. By following these steps you may land into your dream MBA school.
